Processed foods lead to weight gain, but it's about more than calories

Nutrition • Jul 6th 22 • Comment


There are plenty of studies in mice linking processed foods to problems such as obesity and intestinal inflammation.

But mice are not people, as critics of such studies are quick to point out.

In humans, researchers have reported associations between processed foods and health outcomes, such as an increased risk of developing obesity, cancer, autoimmune conditions, and even death.

Yet, ultra-processed foods make up a staggering 57.9% of energy intake in the United States.

According to the NOVA food classification system, ultra-processed foods include soft drinks, packaged snacks, meat nuggets,…



Eat with Purpose

Nutrition • Apr 3rd 22 • Comment


Eat to live. Food is the fuel for everything you do. Nutrition not only effects physical function, but plays a role in emotional function as well. Some foods offer high nutritional value, while others offer nothing but empty Calories. 

Whatever your fitness goal, you have to eat accordingly. Purposeful dieting is taking control of what you put in your body and making nutrition work for you, instead of the other way around. Athletes seeking to gain mass eat one…



The Skinny on Fat

Nutrition • Feb 23rd 22 • Comment


Let's jump right in:

You can limit your diet to only foods that are high in fat and not gain body fat (or you could even lose body fat). You can remove fat from your diet all together and still increase body fat. 

Don't do either of these; it just isn't healthy. The statement above is meant to shed some light on the direct role of fat in diet.

Fats, more specifically good fats, play a necessary role in a healthy diet. Fat…